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The human behaviour has a noticeable particularity so uncommon to the rest of the living beings, the Eroticism. This innate ability of any human being to experience pleasure, emotions and energies simultaneously on such a qualitative higher scale than sexual arousal, is your Eroticism. Erotic is overused that through repetition it started to lose its meaning. In the Greek culture, Eroticism was the expression of an erotic behaviour. To display an erotic behaviour meant that person was identifying or resonating with the atributes of a God.


Tantra is an ancient spiritual path that turns into a self-development system in which the human body is seen as a microcosm of the universe. Tantra massage can be considered an efficient modern adapted Tantric exercise teaching men and women how to build the resonance, sustain it and circulate the transforming power of erotic energy, moving away from the goal-oriented sexual mindset (focused on ejaculation and orgasm) towards a heart-centred conscious approach.



A sensual and awakening body-to-body massage that comprehends relaxation techniques from Taoist and Yogic tradition to allow the energy of life permeate throughout your entire body. Through the activation of specific energetic meridians, this type of massage helps you feel a whole new form of pleasure that is diffusing in your entire body. Tantric massage for men does NOT include lingam massage. This is your journey into the beauty and bliss of an awakened body. You will be able to discover unknown erogenous zones and shift your primary focus from the genital area to the entire body and what is beyond your body. Your active and conscious contribution in staying open to and observant of the energies thus awakened without altering their natural ascendant flow is necessary.

Tantra Men's Massage benefits

increased sense of confidence, strength and masculinity

empowering control of the sexual energy
improved erectyle dysfunctiones/premature ejaculation

droped sexual performanc anxiety
becoming multi-orgasmic


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A sensual, loving and embracing massage that through combined ancient Taoist and Yogic techniques are generating a release of considerable levels of oxytocin in your body. You are highly likely to experience your endless ecstatic potential. All physical or emotional reactions are equally welcomed. Best is to simply observe them without contracting or judging yourself in any way. Remember you are on safe and loving hands. Yoni massage is included in options Grow and Merge. Yoni massage is a respectful and gentle massage of your Yoni. It aims to reconnect your femininity with your own eroticism and improves the sensitivity of your Yoni. If you choose to receive a yoni massage, it will start with a gentle and caring touch of the outer area of your yoni(vulva), followed by a loving and respectful massage of the inner part of your yoni, with finger(s). You are free to stop at any time.  All our Tantric therapists are female. You will receive a Yoni massage from a female Tantric therapist, unless you wish to receive a massage from a male tantric therapist, in which case please notice us in advance to arrange that for you.

Tantra Women's Massage benefits

enhanced sensuality

improved self esteem

amplified Erotic energy

healing effects

overcoming Erotic expression shyness


A sensual and caring massage that revives the intimacy and connection in your couple relation. Take the essence of eroticism with you. Couples’ massages are done in separate rooms. Thus, each of you will have the space to focus entirely on your very own inner experience, on what happens in your body and inside your being. This is not easily done when your beloved is also present in the room. Each of you is most likely to feel a heightened state of pleasure, deep relaxation, enhanced ability to love and a higher control over the energies. After the massage, both of you together with your therapists will meet again in one of the rooms and share your experience. All our Tantric therapists are female. As a woman you will receive a Yoni massage from a female Tantric therapist, unless you wish to receive a massage from a male tantric therapist, in which case please notice us in advance to arrange that for you.

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Tantra Couples' Massage benefits

rekindled attraction

increased polarity
enhanced intimacy
revived hapiness in the couple life

openness and honesty in couple communication



Monday - Friday

10am - 8pm


only pre-bookings


10am - 7pm


Discover the allure of naked full body massage in Old Town, Chambers Street EH1 1JG, Edinburgh, UK

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