Tantra Massage Options
for women
*including a before and after talk, shower and Tantra massage

a complete tantric journey through your senses

2 hands tantric massage included

4 hands Tantric Senses Ceremony

2 hands tantric massage 30 minutes extension

4 hands tantric massage 30 minutes extension
* yoni massage included for women
* you will be expecting an altogheter 2.5 hrs delightfull ritual
Yoni Massage

Yoni massage is included in options Grow and Merge.Yoni massage is a respectful and gentle massage of your Yoni. It aims to reconnect your femininity with your own eroticism and improves the sensitivity of your Yoni. Your yoni massage will start with a gentle and caring touch of the outer area of your yoni(vulva), followed by a loving and respectful massage of the inner part of your yoni, with finger(s). You are free to stop at any time.
All our Tantric therapists are female. You will receive a Yoni massage from a female Tantric therapist, unless you wish to receive a massage from a male tantric therapist, in which case please notice us in advance to arrange that for you.
Add-ons Options
Tantra Women's Massage
A sensual, loving and embracing massage that through combined ancient Taoist and Yogic techniques are generating a release of considerable levels of oxytocin in your body.
You are highly likely to experience your endless ecstatic potential.
All physical or emotional reactions are equally welcomed. Best is to simply observe them without contracting or judging yourself in any way. Remember you are on safe and loving hands.
Yoni massage is included in options Grow and Merge.
Yoni massage is a respectful and gentle massage of your Yoni. It aims to reconnect your femininity with your own eroticism and improves the sensitivity of your Yoni.
enhanced sensuality
improved self esteem
amplified Erotic energy
healing effects
overcoming Erotic expression shyness
What is a tantra massage?
A genuine tantric massage in line with traditional Tantric principles is a very intimate experience. Not so much because of your nudity or the almost-nudity of the masseur during the massage, but because one of the purposes of a tantra massage is to profoundly touch the heart and go into that space where we fully are.   This sensual body-to-body massage awakens the consciousness of being present into our senses, anchoring us deeply into a unified heart and mind perception of ourselves and life. In tantric tradition body is revered as a bridge to higher consciousness, where love naturally inspires atonement. During a tantric massage, your super sexual vitality is utilized as a potent fuel that through conscious touch starts to vibrate so high that one can experience transmutation phenomenon. The effects of dynamizing and simultaneously upward channeling this energy in the body meridians awaken power centers and nourish the entire nervous system. While Tantra massage can elicit pleasurable sensations and even energetic orgasms, it is fundamentally not designed as a sexual experience but rather as a holistic and spiritual journey that enhances overall well-being and personal connection.    The uplifting skillful touch and guidance of your tantric therapist can easily put you in resonance with the Erotic source of energy that exists in ourselves and the entire Macrocosm. When this experience occurs, is usually deeply transformative and generates a profound shift in your personal intimate relationship’s approach.
Get in Touch
Old Town
Chambers Street EH1 1JG
Edinburgh, United Kingdom